Orientation and Mobility Opens Up the World for Students in Brownsville, Texas.
Where are blind children going and how are they, literally, going to get there? The answer is that they can go anywhere, but only with training in the areas of Orientation and Mobility.
ABCTX recently received a request for financial assistance from an O&M instructor in Brownsville, Texas that wanted to teach his students how to ride the bus and practice budgeting in the community for their lessons.
At first, it seemed to me, that this request was misplaced because it seemed that the ISD should be the instructor's financial support for such an important lesson in a young blind child's education.
After further investigation, it was discovered that the ISD would not support the initiative, so ABCTX funded these important lessons for the O&M instructor and, most importantly, the students received the training they needed in order to " go anywhere they want." This is just a small glimpse into the work of ABCTX. It is through the donations and contributions of the community that we all can be a part of watching blind kids grow up to become professional, skilled qualified adults, who happen to be blind. Lets help them achieve their professional and personal goals.

Article by Valerie Alvarez, ABCTX Board Member. Find out more about Valerie and the rest of the board here