Babies’ Day Out Dallas 2023
Each Spring, the Region 10 Education Service Center hosts and event called “Babies' Day Out.” On April 27th, I had the good fortune of attending this special day on behalf of All Blind Children of Texas, not only because I enjoy sharing the good work the organization does, but also because I love holding babies. The event is targeted at infants and toddlers who are blind, deaf, or both blind and deaf, as well as their parents and other family members.
The purpose of Babies’ Day Out is to connect parents with community resources, provide valuable information through presentations by experts, and promote networking among families. The agenda for infants and toddlers includes a sensory room with all sorts of toys and hands-on experiences, story time, and lots of fun door prizes. The event is also attended by teachers of deaf and visually impaired students, orientation and mobility instructors, special education administrators, and vendors of goods and services that benefit children with those targeted disabilities.
As I greeted people who stopped by the ABCTX booth, I was gratified to find out how many knew about All Blind Children of Texas and had benefited from the assistance we provide. Community Events like this are helpful in spreading the word about ABCTX. We welcome invitations to sponsor, present or exhibit at such events. Contact us at hello@abctx.org.

Article by Paula Margeson, Board President 2023. Find out more about Paula and the rest of the board here