Retired VI Teacher Becomes ABCTX Angel
March 1st and 2nd were the dates of the “I Live Here, I Give Here” campaign for Austin Texas. Every year since the inception of “Amplify Austin” All Blind Children of Texas has been one of hundreds of area nonprofits that appeal to the public for support. Usually, the ABCTX take is somewhere between $3,000 and $5,000. This year was different, because we had an angel who generously agreed to match the first $5,000 donated. This pledge allowed the board to approach potential contributors with the added incentive that each dollar donated would become two. At the end of the event, All Blind Children of Texas had received more than $15,000.

I met the ABCTX angel when my daughter, who is blind, entered first grade. Ms. L was her teacher throughout grade school. She gave my little girl a firm educational foundation. To say that she has a heart for blind children would be a huge understatement. Ms. L was a teacher of the visually impaired, (VI) for 36 years. During that time, she taught on all three levels: elementary school, middle school, and high school. Although she never had kids of her own, she helped to shape the lives of hundreds of children and stays in touch with as many as she can even now.
Originally, we became friends as we struggled through my daughter’s IEP, (individualized education plan) meetings. We quickly discovered that we had much in common such as a love of reading, Elvis, good food, and the ocean. For several years, both of us served on the Special Education Advisory Committee for our school district. Our bond has strengthened over time and we have adopted each other as sisters. On March 9th, she will be 80 years young. As the unique person that she is, Ms. L announced that her intention is to celebrate this momentous occasion by engaging in eight noteworthy activities including several trips to various locations. Being the opportunist that I am, and the board president of ABCTX, I suggested that part of this legacy might be a significant donation to the organization. She gave my request some thought and soon agreed. The result was a win-win for both an organization and an individual, who continually work to enrich the lives of children and youth with vision loss. Our “angel” chooses to remain anonymous because she has a humble spirit and doesn’t want recognition for doing good.
Thank you, Ms. L and may your 80th year be your very best year!

Article by Paula Margeson, Board President 2023. Find out more about Paula and the rest of the board here